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What To Do When Dating Isn’t Working And The Years Keep Passing You By

Dating is how we get to know another person. But what if you can’t find anyone? Or what if you meet people with potential, but they aren’t attracted to you, don’t make an effort to get to know you better, or it ends after a couple dates? Maybe your norm is longer relationships; it starts out feeling amazingly perfect, but when the newness wears off and you start noticing issues, you talk yourself into hanging on because you’ve already invested so much time. You try to make it work because you don’t want to deal with the heartbreak and starting over with someone else. You know they have potential to be a better person, so you keep waiting for them to change, but they never do.

There are reasons why you experience these dating dead ends, and it’s almost impossible to see the reasons for yourself.

The answer isn’t a better dating strategy, and don’t believe the voice in your head that says you’re too weird, too different, or too busy to gain the love and affection of another human being. Those are lies.

I found the reasons for my dating dead ends, took practical steps to make changes, and now enjoy the results of feeling more love and connection than I ever thought was possible for me. I can show you how to have the same.

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I work with people for eight sessions, but the first one is no obligation. It’s a fun way for you to personally experience my coaching style, and you get practical tools to use regardless of your decision to continue.

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